Evacuation Procedures on IOP

Written on 10/03/2016
Judy Fairchild

This is what will happen on IOP, and why it is important to plan early for a hurricane:

If and when an evacuation is ordered, the following actions will be taken:

  1. Police will block island access at the Breach Inlet Bridge and IOP Connector to all except emergency and official vehicles. Emergency and official vehicles do not include private vehicles. 
  2. If the environment is safe and personnel are available, the Fire and Police Departments will go door-to-door to advise citizens of the evacuation. 
  3. Radio, television and the City's website will carry the evacuation order.
  4. Residents and guests who wait for an evacuation order will be directed to the nearest available public storm shelter. 
  5. The Municipal Emergency Operations Center will be located at the Public Safety Building at 30 J.C. Long Boulevard as long as it is deemed prudent. In the event of an evacuation, the MEOC will relocate to Charleston County Satellite Complex on Iron Bridge Road in Mount Pleasant. 
  6. The Isle of Palms Fire and Police Department personnel will remain on the island until they must evacuate for safety. Once they evacuate, there will be no fire, police or emergency medical assistance on the island.