

Willets are found on the island in all four seasons, and occasionally nest near the impoundment. Their wings make a white w in flight.

Spotted Sandpiper

Spotted Sandpiper

Spotted sandpipers can be seen in the impoundment, the corner, the marsh north of Old House Lane, and Lake Timicau. They have a habit of bouncing their rear end while walking.



These are larger, long-billed birds that can be seen in the marshes on the north end of the island.

Ruddy Turnstone

Ruddy Turnstone

As their name inplies, these little burds turn over the stones and shells on the beach looking for tiny crustaceans.

Red Knot

Red Knot

These shorebirds make great migrations to breed in the arctic circle, but can be seen feeding in groups on our shore in the winter and spring.



These are the birds you'll see running along the shoreline of the beach, picking small crustaceans from the waves.



These tiny shorebirds have a slightly decurved bill and can be seen on the north end of the island as well as in the impoundment and along the ferry route. They can fly in a flock as if with one brain, curving around objects and confusing predators.



We have both long billed and short billed dowitchers. They are commonly seen at the corner. They are stout birds who probe in the sand with a sewing machine-like repetition, sometimes look like they swallowed a grapefruit.

Marbled Godwit

Marbled Godwit

This long-billed shorebird is sometimes seen at the corner near the ferry landing.